Friday, December 31, 2010


I do not believe in coincidence. There are too many scriptures that tell me that God has this whole thing completely under control. And, if I am a believer (and I am) and if I claim the Scriptures to be Holy Writ from God (and I do), then I think believing in coincidence would be a big slap in the face to God. And, I don't think slapping God in the face is, ever, a good idea.

I love to hear stories about the awesome things God did in the Bible to show His people that He, indeed, had them in His hands; that He was already where they were afraid to go; that He had everything placed exactly where He deemed best. Women passed the age of child-bearing becoming pregnant, whole nations walking on the dry bottom of a parted sea, wet and dry fleece, a lethal stone and a giant's head, water into wine, torn fishing nets due to the weight of the amount of fish caught on a specific side of a boat, debts paid, illnesses healed, sins forgiven.

And, I love to hear stories from family and friends about times that God reminded them that they, too, are in His hands; that He is already where they are afraid to go; that He has everything placed exactly where He deems best. Drastically premature babies with fully developed lungs, predestined introductions over coffee that led to career changes, more money than should have been in bank accounts, restaurant bills paid, addictions overcome, debts paid, illnesses healed, sins forgiven.

And, I think one of the coolest parts of being a child of God is the in-dwelling of the Spirit that we all receive once we've accepted Christ as our Savior. The Spirit, with Its gentle nudge of conviction and soft whisper of direction is what makes us more than we could ever be without Him. Through the Spirit, we are able to do things we would never be able to do without Him. And, by His Spirit, we are given the strength to do mightier things than our bodies are capable on their own.

As a child of God, with the Holy Spirit indwelling us, two plus two doesn't always equal four.

I finished the biography of a ballplayer last night that has held my attention for some years, now. He is a phenomenal ballplayer. But, his testimony is what has endeared him to me for so long. Drowning in a pool of addiction, this ballplayer was delivered by the Grace of God. And, many times in his biography, he mentions that he doesn't have all the answers and computations of why and how he was able to overcome this devastating addiction. His only consistent response is that it is a God-thing. God at work. Making him into something he could never be on his own. Helping him take steps out of a slimy pit and into the light of what God had called him to be.

And, I think that is right on. No coincidence to claim. Not all the answers. Just that sometimes, God makes things add up that shouldn't add up; He allows devastating actions to eventually equal a righteous outcome; He places tomorrows in lives that should never have seen today.

And, I ask you, how could all that glory be a coincidence?

Tomorrow will usher in a new year. This year will hold new beginnings and more opportunities. This year will bring birth and death. This year will bring victory and defeat. This year will bring joy and sorrow; healing and pain.

And, none of it is coincidence. All of it is divine purpose. I pray that we bask in His reminders that He has us in His hands; that He is already where we are afraid to go; that He has everything placed where He deems best. And, I pray we can see His fingertips when things add up that shouldn't add up; when devastating actions eventually lead to a righteous outcome; when He places tomorrows in lives that should never have seen today.

Happy New Year.